How To Select The Best HD Deep Wave Wig Density


The HD deep wave wig is realistic and unique. It is one of the wigs that ensure one can maintain a fantastic look always. The HD frontal wig consists of an almost transparent HD lace. The transparent lace ensures the lace is undetectable, and your hairline looks natural when the wig is installed. The critical point to note while purchasing the wig is that the hair length and wig color are not the only factors you should consider. The wig’s density also plays an essential role. Below is a simple guide on selecting the best HD deep wave wig density.

Wig density definition

Wig density refers to the volume of hair present on the wig’s cap. Density offers a basis for how thin or thick the wig’s hair will be. Therefore, it is essential to know about wig density before purchasing. The standard HD deep wave density is 120%. The standard density guarantees comfort and a realistic look.

A simple guide to choosing the HD deep wave wig density

1. Extra light HD deep wave wig density

The extra light HD deep wave wig density is the lowest in the wig density chart; it ranges between 50% to 80%. It is worn best by people with fine or thin natural hair. The extra light density can also be used as an age-appropriate look. Additionally, the extra light density is best for those whose hair has thinned out for various reasons.

2. Light HD deep wave wig density

The light HD deep wave wig density ranges from 100% to 110%. The light wig density is a little fuller than the extra light. The density ensures that your wig is comfortable to wear.

3. Medium-density

The medium density is the most popular hair density available. It ranges between 120% and 130%; the density ensures that your HD deep wave wig almost looks like natural hair. The hair volume is not too big, to the point of being unrealistic. The medium density is the standard density for most human hair wigs.

4. Medium-heavy HD deep wave wig density

The medium-heavy HD deep wave wig density is fuller than the medium density wig. It is rated at 150%. The density is worn by individuals who wish to attain a voluminous look. The best benefit of the HD deep wave wig is that it ensures you can have various styling options. Additionally, the density allows for excellent hair movement and bounce.

5. Heavy density

The HD deep wave wig with a heavy density is an excellent choice. The density ranges between 150% and 160%. It ensures that the HD deep wave wig has a full hair look. The hair density is not overwhelming but offers a reasonable volume.

6. Extra-heavy HD deep wave wig density

The extra heavy HD deep wave wig density ranges between 180% and 200%. It is the heaviest wig in existence. The HD deep wave wig with the heavy density is worn best by celebrities and artists during performances.


While buying the HD deep wave wig, hair density is essential to consider. For those with thin hair, light density hair is best. At the same time, the heavy and medium-heavy density is best for fuller looks. Therefore, ensure to consider the hair density before purchase.


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